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New PQ-FMEA language version

The PQ-FMEA is available in new language versions: Chinese, Turkish, Spanish and German.

We are very pleased that our PQ-FMEA program was once again chosen as a corporate solution for creating FMEA analyzes 🙂 Thank you for your trust.

For this reason, the PQ-FMEA was also released in a new version – in 4 additional language versions – Chinese, Turkish, Spanish and German.

We invite you to test our software: demo PQ-FMEA .

PROQUAL Management Institute
B. T. Greber Spółka Jawna

ul. Ostrowskiego 30, 53-238 Wrocław
e-mail: biuro@proqual.pl
phone: +48 71 355 18 08
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Office hours: 8:00 - 16:00 See more
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